
12 Benefits of Camping: Why Camping Is Good for You

10 May 2021

Camping combines a whole lot of fun with a tonne of health benefits, making it one of the very best things to get stuck into during your off hours! Here are just a few of the awesome health benefits that your outdoors lifestyle can give you…

Fresh Air

One of the most obvious benefits of camping is the abundance of clean, beautiful fresh air that you’re going to be taking in for the duration of your trip. The air out in the wide open outdoors is different, there’s minimal pollution, you’re surrounded by trees and you’re exposing yourself to nature that you don’t usually come into contact with on your daily commute. Take a big deep breath, you’ll be feeling amazingly rested and rejuvenated within moments of setting up your camper trailer!

Stress Management

Hey, the stresses of day to day life can get us all down, that’s why we take breaks from our 9-5 grind, after all! Camping is the perfect remedy to feeling run down or snowed in by all of your everyday responsibilities. Nature, stillness and serenity all have a fantastically calming effect. You’ll feel in tune to the pristine and perfect quietness of nature, and you’ll soon feel those stresses just melt away. Stress is one of the most unhealthy things for our bodies and our minds, and managing it is an absolute must, so pay attention! Take the time out to take care of yourself whilst you’re on your camping trip. 


The health benefits of really connecting with our nearest and dearest have been proven time and time again. Camping presents an opportunity to totally switch off your usual routine and just spend quality time with your family or friends. There’s not much better in life!


Camping will also provide you with ample opportunity to get some great energy boosting exercise in! Unlike hitting the gym or suffering through a gruelling exercise class, your activity will be immersed in incredible scenery and all kinds of enjoyment! Go hiking, biking, jogging, swimming, surfing – anything that gets your heart pumping, is good!

Healthy Wholesome Eating

Your time outside also gives you plenty of time to sit down and tuck into hearty, wholesome foods. Think nutrient dense stews, hearty sandwiches and protein packed trail mix!


We could all ease up on the screen time, that’s pretty much universally understood. Camping draws you away from those screens, big, medium and small, and helps you to indulge in the riches of nature first hand. Extended periods of time away from screens is becoming more and more scarce, so enjoy it whilst you’re in it.

Tuning into Nature

Nature has a lot of answers and an awful lot of beauty, too. Simply sitting and taking in all of the breathtaking nature that you’re bound to be surrounded by (no matter where you’ve set up your camper trailer) is going to make you feel like new again.


Learning new skills is great for keeping us physically and mentally sharp! Get creative outdoors, pick up fishing, test out tying camping knots or start scouting nature to expand your mind. 


Gaining new skills, connecting with your campsite neighbours and pulling yourself away from technology will all make you feel a massive boost in confidence! Feeling open and bold is great for your mental wellbeing and could encourage you to get out there or try a few new things in your day to day life.

Natural Light

Sunshine is so powerful! It boosts your mood, adds to energy levels and provides you with a healthy dose of vitamin D. Just be sure to stay sun safe and in the shade during peak UV strength hours.


Discovering new spots, animals and skills is brilliant for widening your scope on life, which is sure to bring a surge of positive energy to your overall existence! 


Lastly, peace and quiet. Whilst camping might be full of action and activity, it also provides so much tranquility, which is essential for feeling well. 

As if you needed more of a reason to get out there with your Cub camper and get camping!

12 Benefits of Camping: Why Camping Is Good for You


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12 Benefits of Camping: Why Camping Is Good for You


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12 Benefits of Camping: Why Camping Is Good for You


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