How To Tow A Camper Trailer Off-Road - Cub Campers

How To Tow A Camper Trailer Off-Road

27 February 2019
Camper Trailer Off-Road

If you’ve been camping in your trailer for several years and are looking to try something thrilling and new, off-roading with your trailer might just be for you. It’s definitely tougher, but it can be even more fulfilling. Keep in mind, towing your trailer off-road is not for the faint of heart, which is why this guide to how to tow a camper trailer off-road will tell you everything you need to know before deciding to attempt an off-road excursion. From how to outfit your vehicle and trailer to where to avoid, this guide to how to tow a camper trailer will have you off-roading like a pro and have you as prepared as possible. Once you master the art and science of towing off-road, you might never go back to regular camping. Keep reading to find out everything you ever wanted to know about how to tow a camper trailer off-road.

  1. Why You Should Camp Off-Road

Before we get started on the “how”, it’s important to focus on the “why”. Why should you tow a camper trailer off-road? If you’ve never been off-roading before, it’s a good idea to start there—without a tow. In fact, if you’ve never towed a camper trailer before, it’s even more important to start there. This will help you hone your towing and off-roading skills separately, so that you’re more prepared to do both together in rougher terrain. Camping off-road can be an incredibly rewarding experience, and an adventure solo or for the entire family. You get to sleep in the middle of nature, undisturbed by noisy neighbours or loud vehicles. You can see some pretty amazing sights, wildlife, and sleep under the stars. Plus, off-roading is pretty darn fun, if you know what you’re doing. Combine it with the joys of camping, and you’re set for a fantastic trip.

Camper Trailer Off-Road
  1. What Skills You Need

Knowing how to tow a camper trailer is crucial, and it definitely helps if you’ve towed in rougher conditions before, like inclement weather, back roads, and tight parking. You need to be a confident driver and a quick-thinker on the road because you might accidentally get yourself into tough spots that need a creative solution. If you can smoothly back your trailer into a tight spot between two other cars in one try, that’s a pretty good indication of the level you need to be at. Ideally, you’ve been towing your trailer for years and are super comfortable with the way it moves, how to manoeuvre it, and how to watch out for its shortcomings.

  1. What Gear You Need

If you’ve never towed your camper off-road before, you’re going to need to outfit it – and your vehicle – thoroughly. You definitely need trailer brakes with an in-car controller to ensure you’re in control of your trailer. Your trailer hitch should have a 360-degree rotation, and you should pack 4-6 traction tracks and a winch to get out of slippery spots. Cross-axle differentials are important, and 4WD capability goes without saying. Don’t forget to pack an emergency road kit, spare tires, motor oil and transmission fluid, plenty of fuel, a tool kit, shovel, and maybe even a few rolls of duct tape. It never hurts to be prepared!

Camper Trailer Off-Road
  1. What to Avoid

You’ll quickly get a feel for what your vehicle, your trailer, and your skills can handle. You learn on-the-spot and fast while off-roading, so trust your instincts. Remember that any path or area you choose, the trailer may or may not follow. You should be able to predict where the trailer’s wheels will go and adjust accordingly. Side slopes, steep downhills, and backing up are always challenging, so navigate away if possible.

  1. What Camper to Choose  

Ideally, your camper trailer will be about half the weight of the vehicle. Even if your tow capacity is more, you don’t want to chance it while off-roading. The lightness will also definitely help with fuel economy, to get you farther on a tank. Cub Campers are put through rigorous tests, including suspension, severe angle, corrugation, ground clearance, chassis twisting, and more. You can feel confident about towing these highly capable, but lightweight, campers. Plus, with a range of models designed for off-roading and serious off-roading, you can take your Cub Camper wherever the winds blow you.

How To Tow A Camper Trailer Off-Road


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How To Tow A Camper Trailer Off-Road


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