Off-Road Camper Trailer Packing List

14 March 2019
Off-Road Camper Trailer

Heading off-road is a thrilling adventure, but preparing for it is key to ensuring the bumpy travels stay literal and not metaphorical. After all, if anything happens, you’re off the beaten path so you want to be prepared, right?

Of course you do. That’s why you’re reading this guide. Get ready to get valuable intel on what you need to bring when you’re exploring the great outdoors. With tips for what to pack in a camper trailer, how to pack it, and even what not to pack, you’ll be ready for anything. For off-road pros and newbies alike, this packing list is everything you need to make lasting memories on the road less travelled.

  1. Pack Extra Water

The importance of packing enough water can’t be stressed enough, especially when you’ll be off-roading. Running out of food is a lot safer than running out of water, so make sure you pack more than you think you’ll need (you never know), especially if you’ll be cooking with it, cleaning, and possibly spilling. Fill your water tank (make sure it’s cleaned first to avoid funky tastes or smells!), keep emergency water bottles handy, and don’t stray too far from civilization if there’s a chance you’ll run out.

Off-Road Camper Trailer
  1. Double Check Your Emergency Kit

You probably already pack some sort of first-aid kit, but it’s a good idea to go through it and ensure you have everything you might need. Better safe than sorry, especially in the outback! You’ll also want an emergency road kit in case anything goes wrong with your vehicle or if you get a flat tyre. Some useful items are extra motor and transmission oil, a shovel, duct tape, flashlights, extra batteries, a tool kit, and anything else you can think of that you’d want should the worst happen.

  1. Forget the Clothes

You’ve got a pretty good idea of what to pack in a camper trailer by now, but what about what not to pack? The answer is a ton of clothes. No one cares what you look like in the outback, so pack light and save the room and weight for more important essentials (hint: water). You can definitely get more than one wear out of things like jeans, shirts and sweaters, so pack smart and minimally. Make sure you check the weather ahead to plan accordingly and depending on where you’re headed, don’t forget warm clothes for cold nights, a bathing suit, a rain jacket, and sturdy hiking boots.

Off-Road Camper Trailer
  1. Plan Meals Ahead

When it comes to what to pack in a camper trailer for off-road trips, food ranks pretty high on the list. When you’re out in the middle of nowhere, it’s not easy to run to the store for the pasta sauce you forgot, so planning ahead is key. Think about easy, quick meals that take 30 minutes or less to prepare, because after a full day of exploring, you’re not going to want to slave over the stove (or fire, if that’s your style). Think pre-made soups, stews, chili, pasta sauce, and anything else you can freeze ahead and dump into a pot for easy cooking in a pinch. Sandwiches, eggs, pre-cut fruit and veggies, cold pasta salad, and packaged snacks are easy to throw together in a pinch and pack for a hike. By planning all your meals and sticking to them, you won’t waste any food, space, or run out of what you need. Don’t forget any cooking essentials like oils, spices and seasoning, butter, etc.

  1. Packing Smart

This tip isn’t about what to pack in a camper trailer, but how to pack it. When you’re planning on camping off road, it’s inevitable that things will get bumpy. After all, where’s the fun in it if they don’t? However, this calls for some strategic packing to make sure your belongings stay safe and sound until you reach your destination. It goes without saying that fragile things don’t really belong on an off-road camping excursion, but if you have to bring them, pad them well. This is where blankets, towels, and pillows come in handy. Layer items between towels, use pillows to stop larger items from rubbing against each other or moving, and use blankets to keep everything secure (wrap them in plastic bags if you’re worried about them getting dirty). Always use break-resistant containers and dishware and keep anything super fragile up in your vehicle where you can keep an eye on it.

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