RSVP & Booking details for Great Cub Adventurer Getaway in VIC
This event has been organised in partnership with Brian Medancic. Please follow the booking steps below to confirm your RSVP to the Great Cub Adventurer Getaway.
Important Steps for Registration:
1. Email us at
2. We will then be in touch with an email with the booking reference number and contact details for the caravan park.
3. You will then need to contact the caravan park and make a booking.
4. You will then need to email back to with the template filled with information about how many attending and what camper trailer or caravan they will be bringing.
5. You will then receive any updates.
In the meantime, please subscribe if you haven’t already to our Cub Adventurer mailing list to receive all updates on the Great Cub Adventurer Getaway by clicking here.