A Guide To Off-Roading Camper Trailers - Cub Campers

A Guide To Off-Roading Camper Trailers

30 March 2019
Off-Roading Camper Trailers

Off-road camping is unlike any other camping experience. Surrounded by nature and peace and quiet, you and your family will treasure each and every offroading trip you take. It can take a little getting used to, since being away from civilization can be jarring at first but being prepared will make it a whole lot easier. This guide to camping off-road in your camper trailer will ensure you’re more than ready for your trip and that you get the most out of it from the first go. Keep reading to find out how to prepare for your adventure and how to enjoy it fully once you’re there.

  1. Pack Smart

Packing your camper trailer is hard enough for regular camping. You always seem to forget something, or something else gets lost in the shuffle only to resurface when you’re unpacking back at home. Packing for an offroading camping trip? Now that requires some serious strategy. After all, you have to make sure your camper trailer doesn’t become too heavy and throw off your towing (without sacrificing any essentials) and you have to make sure the weight is evenly distributed or else it could mess with your driving. Your best bet is to get started early and not leave it until the day before or morning of. Make a list, gather everything you need and put it in one area, and then trim it down to get rid of any non-essentials that will just weigh you down and take up even more time packing and unpacking. Once you see everything right in front of you, you’ll be able to figure out how to pack it most strategically so that nothing breaks, the weight isn’t all jammed into the front of the trailer (causing a strain on the tow hitch), and to make set up and take down as simple and efficient as possible. If you can, keep the repeat essentials in your camper trailer between trips to make packing even easier—and make it so you’re less likely to forget anything.

Lightweight Camper Trailers
  1. Plan Your Food

When you’re going offroading, the food you pack is super important. It becomes harder to dash to the store for anything you’ve forgotten or if anything spoils, so planning your meals ahead of time and thoroughly is key. You’ll want easy, quick meals that take minimal prep, and some great options are pasta, chili con carne, soups, BBQ meats, pasta salads, etc. It’s a good idea to pack some pre-packaged snacks for on-the-go, like granola bars, trail mix, crackers, and chopped up veggies and fruit so that you can spend less time preparing food, and more time enjoying the great outdoors. If your camper trailer doesn’t have a fridge, you might want to invest in one or an electric cooler so that you don’t have to subside solely on canned goods.

  1. Keep Your Water Clean

Your water tank becomes so important when you’re offroading, and it’s crucial to make sure it stays clean and protected. Before you head out on your trip, it’s a great idea to clean it out with a mixture of baking soda and vinegar or a specific tank cleaning product followed by a few rounds of warm water. Check carefully for any cracks or signs of wear and tear, because when you’re far away from the nearest town, this tank can quickly become your only source of water for awhile. It never hurts to keep a few spare jugs and bottles of water, especially to keep in your vehicle once you park your camper trailer and head out for some off-roading.

Off-Roading Camper Trailers
  1. Drive Carefully

Whether you’re an offroading pro and it’s your first time taking a camper trailer or if you’re a beginner at both, towing a rig while offroading is no easy feat. The trailer doesn’t necessarily move the way you’d expect it to, and it can move differently with each new terrain section, so taking it easy will get you to your destination safe and sound—and with your valuable investment intact too. A good rule of thumb is to go as slow as you can but as fast as necessary to take on obstacles like steep hills and slippery surfaces without getting stuck. Don’t be afraid to turn around and take another path if this one looks to be beyond your skill level, and consult offroading guides and maps as often as you need to in order to have fun and explore safely.

A Guide To Off-Roading Camper Trailers


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