Preparing for camping is not a task to be taken lightly. Although you’re going to be enjoying ultimate freedom and adventure when you arrive, it takes a little bit of hard work to get you there. When you sit and think about it, going on a camping trip takes a lot of prep. It is very easy to get overwhelmed, but just remember that it’s worth every second. Learning how to prepare for a camping trip properly and efficiently will set you up for fuss-free packing every single time.
When you’re faced with organising all the things you need for camping in the great outdoors, its best to compile a camping gear list. This will steer you in the right direction with every purchase and packing decision you have to make. Your basic camping checklist will include:
Gear (This depends on whether you have a trailer)
- Tents (+ poles and stakes)
- Camper
- Ground cover
- Sleeping bags + pads
- Pillows
- Blankets
- Torches (+ batteries)
- Lamps (+ batteries)
- Chairs
- Tarp
- Tent repair kit
- Stove
- Fuel
- Firewood
- Matches
- Cookware (frying pan + pot)
- Cutlery
- Tablecloth
- Mugs
- Water Bottles
- Rubbish bags
- Washing up soap
- Dish Towel and cloth
- Paper towels
- Day time clothes
- Thermals
- Waterproof jacket
- Socks/undies/swimsuits
- Pyjamas
- Gloves/hats
- Shoes (walking, casual, trainers, shower)
- Insect repellent
- First aid kit
- Painkillers
- Soap
- Toiletries
Yes, this looks like a long list of things for camping, but if you only leave with these camping essentials you will be totally set. This camping checklist doesn’t include food, for this category you should meal prep as much as possible and keep it organised! This list, along with food, is exactly what to pack for camping all year round.
The list of items to bring camping seems to be forever growing, especially when you factor in that if you’re going with your family, you will be putting together a family camping checklist, which is naturally longer! To effectively haul all your essential camping gear to your destination, it is a fantastic idea to invest in a camper trailer. We can’t stress enough how much time, fuss and money a trailer saves you. All your storage, oven, fridge and sleeping solutions will be solved in just one purchase, your list of things to bring camping just shrunk by a whole category!
What is the best camper trailer for a family?
All your things needed to go camping need to be stashed somewhere, and your trailer is the perfect place for you, your family and all your essentials! The best camper trailer for a family of four will be one that isn’t too large but has a lot of storage. The Traveller trailer is perfect for 4, with two beds and plenty of storage opportunities, you and your camping must-haves will be able to fit happily!

The best camper trailer for a family of 6 will be one that’s stocked with more sleeping opportunities. Camper trailers are an amazing solution for groups of any size, trust us as soon as you embark on your journey, you’ll be happy that you have one! What’s more, a trailer will keep you and the whole family safe in case of any mishaps or emergencies.
You should now be fully versed on how to pack for camping, and how to find the best trailer for large families, small groups or just yourself. Most importantly, you need to remember to enjoy your adventure! Camping is the perfect opportunity to let go and really be present in nature, so get out there and make the most out of our world!